Creating trauma informed communities.
About Us

Our Story
Rotary-Family Youth Initiative, Inc. a 501(c)(3) Exempt Nonprofit Corporation
Envisioned and steered into existence by Rotary and Community Leaders in Rotary District 6800
​Our Vision: "Communities where all children and families thrive" is undergirded by the
"ACEs Movement" ignited, in 1997 by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Study, and the
related neurosciences, researched, and evidence-based best practices.
Our Mission: "Developing ACES Aware Trauma Responsive Communities" is being achieved by Rotary
Leaders, Rotary Facilitators, Rotary Clubs, and their host town leaders and partners.
Our actions are providing HELP, HOPE, and HEALTH in creating and sustaining access to family
health care, educational resources and mentoring support for children, youth, and families
to enable them to reach their full potential and break the cycles of physical, social, and emotional
poverty and the adverse effects of related neighborhood crime.
Our Strategy: Develop and sustain family and community capacity among ACES informed Parents,
Pastors, Principals, Police, Proprietors, Politicians, and other community Partners. (7P leaders) and
implementing strategic, proven, best practices.
Expected Outcomes:
1. Children with strong brains, strong immune systems, with mindsets, values, and skillsets needed
now and in the 21st Century.
2. A stronger, healthier, and more educated workforce
3. A more peaceful world